Auditory Processing Disorders
An auditory processing disorder is defined as a breakdown in the auditory nervous system that interferes with rapid and efficient awareness, recognition, decoding and integration of auditory signals especially those occurring in speech. In other words, “the inability to understand spoken language in a meaningful way in the absence of what is commonly considered a hearing loss is referred to as an auditory processing problem” (ASHA, 1999).
Behaviors of children considered “at risk” include:
Frequently misunderstands oral instructions or questions
Delays in responding to oral instructions or questions
Says “Huh” or “What” frequently
Frequently needs repetition of directions or information
Has problems understanding in background noise
May have problems with phonics, discriminating speech sounds and/or sound distortions in speech (particularly /r/, /l/)
May have poor expressive or receptive language
May have spelling, reading, and other academic problems
May have “behavioral” problems
If you believe your student or child is struggling in any of the above areas, contact the office for a free telephone consultation. A multi-symptom approach to the screening, referral and/or the therapeutic process is used addressing a wide range of auditory issues. Individual cases are seen by appointment only and the sessions meet weekly for 45-60 minutes.
“Let’s Work Together to Improve Auditory Processing Skills!”